An Experienced Defense Is Essential in Sexual Assault Cases
Many of our citizens are falsely accused of sexual assault. Being accused of committing a sexual offense can be a very intimidating situation. It can affect your family, your job, your relationships, your reputation and most importantly, your dignity. Texas law imposes serious penalties on sex offenders. You need an experienced criminal defense lawyer who is prepared to protect your rights and reputation. Attorney Sylvia A. Cavazos will treat you with respect and will keep your information strictly confidential.
Has a friend, an ex or a family member accused you of a sex crime? Unfortunately, these accusations are sometimes a misguided attempt to “get back at someone.” Such false accusations can literally ruin the life of the person at which they are targeted.
You need a skilled criminal defense lawyer who is on your side and who knows how to deal with these types of cases. Sexual assault cases are very unique and can be very complicated for the general practitioner. Experience in this area is essential. Attorney Cavazos has been very successful in obtaining dismissals for clients in situations where they thought there was no hope.
Her experience as a former Bexar County assistant district attorney ensures that your voice is heard. Accusations alone are not enough. The credibility of complaining witnesses is very important. The only person who will find them in a lie is your criminal lawyer. It is her job to discredit any witnesses accusing you. Does the medical evidence truly reveal what the nurse practitioner says it does? One person’s opinion may not be another person’s opinion. As a trial lawyer, she is prepared to dispute medical testimony and attack a state’s expert witness as well as any other state witness.
“During my horrible life changing experience involving two counts of Aggravated Sexual Assault to a Child, my meeting Ms. Cavazos for the very first time was a life a changing experience. Having said that, before I met her I was thinking the worst, even attempting to take my own life. I was at a point where I was lost and had no recollection of what was going on. I felt that with these charges no one would believe I was innocent, seeing how everything happened at the blink of an eye, especially because the accusers were my own two daughters. As my process continued Ms. Cavazos would visit me and keep my family updated on court dates and any other information needed; Ms. Cavazos never made me feel like a bother and was always on a professional level. Ms. Cavazos always had words of wisdom and encouragement to say; in my opinion when Ms. Cavazos enters the court room she has such confidence that it’s as if everyone knows who she is. this horrible experience and everything I had to overcome I wouldn’t have been able to get through this without the support of my family and the tremendous help of Ms. Cavazos. I highly encourage and recommend to anyone looking for a defense attorney to consider her. I thank GOD for finding Ms. Cavazos!!!” — C.H. (San Antonio)
Sexual Offense Charges in Texas
Some of the most common sex crime charges are:
Sexual Assault — A person commits this offense if they intentionally or knowingly cause the penetration of the sexual organ or mouth of another person by any means, without that person’s consent. (Texas Penal Code § 22.011)
Aggravated Sexual Assault — A person commits this offense if they intentionally or knowingly commit sexual assault, and:
- Causes serious bodily injury or attempts to cause the death of the victim;
- Causes the victim to fear death, serious bodily injury or kidnapping;
- Threatens to cause death, serious bodily injury or kidnapping;
- Uses a deadly weapon during the commission of the offense;
- Uses rohypnol (roofies), GHB or ketamine to the victim of the offense with the intent of facilitating the commission of the offense;
- The victim is under the age of 14; or
- The victim is disabled or elderly. (Texas Penal Code § 22.021)
Indecency with a Child — A person commits an offense if they engage in sexual conduct with a child, or expose their genitals with a child present or expose a child’s genitals with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person. (Texas Penal Code § 21.11)
Possession of Child Pornography — A person commits an offense if they knowingly or intentionally possess visual material that visually depicts a child younger than 18 years of age at the time the image of the child who is engaging in sexual conduct. (Texas Penal Code § 43.26)
Penalties for Offenses Involving Sexual Conduct
Penalties for felony sex crimes can range from a Third-Degree felony to a First-Degree felony depending on the nature of the case and even federal charges. A Third-Degree felony is punishable by two to 10 years and up to a $10,000 fine. A Second-Degree felony is punishable by two to 20 years and up to a $10,000 fine, and a First-Degree felony is punishable by five to 99 years and up to a $10,000 fine.
When a police detective is building a case to get an arrest warrant, he or she may ask you questions. You have the right to respectfully refuse to answer questions and assert your right to an attorney. If you are suspected of committing a sexual assault crime, do not speak to anyone without a lawyer present. If evidence is obtained improperly, a lawyer can attempt to get any incriminating statements or evidence suppressed, meaning it can’t be used against you in court.
Sex Offender Registration and Other Consequences
If convicted, sexual offense charges threaten defendants with serious criminal consequences, including jail, prison time and sex offender registration. Sex offender registration can be up to 10 years or “for life,” depending on the offense charged. Additional consequences are: a permanent criminal record, inability to apply for certain schools, inability to pursue certain professional careers or even deportation, if you are not a United States citizen.
You Must Take Action Today
To schedule a free one-hour consultation, please contact the firm at 210-468-1130 or complete the intake form.